Friday 30 July 2021



This week we learnt how to write a limerick. This is my limerick I hope you enjoy. What is your favourite type of poetry to write?


  1. Hi Hazel

    Hope everything is going well in your bubble?

    This is a great limerick!! It made me smile when I read it. Which is great during lockdown.
    Limericks are always fun to write and read!I like the image of the forg too!
    Well done and keep up the great work! I look forward to reading more of your work while you are learning from home!

    Until next time

    Mrs Costello :)

  2. Morena Hazel! This is such a great wee limerick, I can just imagine froggy sitting there very bewildered by what he'd just seen going on in his bog :) I hope you're enjoying your time at home and have enough things you enjoy doing to keep you occupied. Although I'm sure you'll be an awesome help for your family as well. Have a wonderful day today Hazel, enjoy the sun and hopefully I'll see you back at school sometime soon! Miss J


Thank-you for your positive, thoughtful, helpful comments.